IGNOU BLIS Solved Assignments 2024-2025 (July – January)

If you are looking out for IGNOU BLIS Solved Assignments free of cost | IGNOU BLIS Solved Assignments 2024-2025 ? So IGNOU Sahayta platform is the highest-quality platform for IGNOU BLIS solved Assignments free of cost download. Here we have decided to provide you with the all complete statistics about IGNOU BLIS Solved Assignments free of cost download pdf. IGNOU BLIS Solved Assignments free download pdf. Keep Reading to get IGNOU BLIS Solved Assignments free of cost download pdf.

IGNOU BLIS Solved Assignment 2024-2025
IGNOU BLIS Solved Assignment 2024-2025
Soft Copy (PDF)Handwriting (Hardcopy) Solved Assignment

IGNOU Assignment Submission Rules

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has specific rules and guidelines for the submission of assignments.

These rules may change over time, so it’s essential to refer to the official IGNOU website or contact your regional center for the most up-to-date information.

However, here are some general rules and guidelines for IGNOU assignment submission:

  1. Assignment Submission Schedule: IGNOU provides assignment questions along with your study material. You should check the assignment submission schedule in your program guide. Typically, there are two sessions – January and July. Ensure that you submit assignments on time during these sessions.
  2. Assignment Format: Write your assignments neatly and legibly. Use A4 size sheets and leave sufficient margins on all sides. Use only one side of the paper for writing.
  3. Cover Page: Prepare a cover page for each assignment. Include details such as your name, enrollment number, address, program code, study center code, and course code. Ensure that this cover page is securely attached to your assignment.
  4. Assignment Questions: Answer all the questions mentioned in the assignment booklet. Make sure your responses are relevant and directly address the questions asked.
  5. Word Limit: Pay attention to word limits if mentioned for specific questions. IGNOU often specifies a maximum word count for each question.
  6. Handwriting: If your assignments are handwritten, make sure your handwriting is neat and legible. If you type your assignments, use a standard font and formatting.
  7. Assignment Submission Mode: IGNOU provides different modes for assignment submission, such as online and offline. Follow the mode specified by your study center or regional center.
  8. Submission Deadlines: The deadline for assignment submission is crucial. Late submissions may not be accepted. Be aware of the last date for submission and plan accordingly.
  9. Submission Location: Submit your assignments to your respective regional center or study center. Ensure you keep a copy of the submitted assignments and obtain a receipt or acknowledgment for submission.
  10. Assignment Evaluation: After submission, your assignments will be evaluated by IGNOU’s faculty members. The evaluated assignments will be uploaded to the IGNOU website, and you can check your scores there.
  11. Re-Submission: If you are not satisfied with your assignment scores, you can apply for re-evaluation within the stipulated time frame. There may be a fee for re-evaluation.
  12. Plagiarism: Avoid plagiarism at all costs. Always cite sources properly if you use external materials in your assignments. IGNOU takes plagiarism seriously, and if found guilty, it can lead to severe consequences.
  13. Assignment Scores: Your assignment scores are crucial in determining your overall grade in a course. Make sure to put in your best effort when completing assignments.

Remember that IGNOU’s assignment submission rules may change, so it’s essential to stay updated with the latest guidelines provided by your study center or on the official IGNOU website.

Always double-check the submission details and deadlines to ensure a smooth assignment submission process.

Tips for Scoring High 90+ in IGNOU Solved Assignment 2024-25

Scoring high in IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) solved assignments requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a systematic approach. IGNOU assignments contribute significantly to your final grade, so it’s important to take them seriously.

Here are some tips to help you score well:

  1. First, understand the assignment questions: read them carefully and understand what is expected of you. Pay attention to any specific instructions provided.
  2. Next, research and study the material: consult the relevant course material provided by IGNOU. Ensure that you have a good understanding of the subject matter.
  3. In terms of time management, allocate sufficient time to complete your assignments well before the submission deadline. Procrastination can lead to rushed work and lower grades.
  4. Additionally, organize your thoughts: plan your answers before you start writing. Create an outline to structure your responses logically.
  5. Furthermore, focus on originality and plagiarism: avoid plagiarism at all costs. Use your own words and cite sources properly if you need to refer to external materials. IGNOU takes plagiarism seriously.
  6. Moreover, adhere to the word limit: stay within the specified word limit for each question. Going significantly over or under the word limit can result in point deductions.
  7. For clarity and conciseness, write clearly and concisely. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex language. Use simple and precise language to convey your ideas.
  8. Lastly, in terms of presentation, follow IGNOU’s formatting guidelines for assignments, including font size, margins, and line spacing. Neatness and proper presentation can leave a good impression.
  9. Proofreading and Editing: Carefully proofread your assignments to eliminate grammatical and spelling errors. Editing helps improve the overall quality of your work.
  10. Relevant Examples: Support your answers with relevant examples, case studies, or real-life scenarios. This demonstrates a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  11. Critical Thinking: When appropriate, analyze the topic critically. Show your ability to think beyond the surface and provide insights.
  12. Referencing: If your assignments require citations, use a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and include a bibliography or reference list.
  13. Submission: Submit your assignments by the specified deadline. Late submissions may result in penalties, including lower grades.
  14. Review IGNOU Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with IGNOU’s assignment submission guidelines and academic integrity policies to avoid any inadvertent violations.
  15. Seek Help When Needed: If you have doubts or difficulties with any assignment, don’t hesitate to seek help from your course coordinator, tutor, or fellow students.

Remember that IGNOU assignments are designed to assess your understanding of the course material.

Put in the effort to showcase your knowledge, critical thinking skills, and ability to communicate effectively.

By following these tips and adhering to IGNOU’s guidelines, you can increase your chances of scoring high in your assignments.

How to check you IGNOU assignment status?

First Visit the link Official IGNOU Website for Assignment Status – https://admission.ignou.ac.in/changeadmdata/StatusAssignment.ASP.

  • Enter Enrollment No. (9 Digit)* to check the status of your assignment, project, or practical submission.
  • Enter the Program Code,
  • Click the Submit Button, and our Status will appear.

Disclaimer/Special Note:

These are just the sample of the Answers/Solutions to some of the Questions given in the Assignments.

Moreover, private teachers, tutors, or authors prepare these sample answers/solutions to help and guide students in understanding how to answer the questions in their assignments.

Furthermore, we do not claim 100% accuracy of these sample answers as these are based on the knowledge and capability of the Private Teacher/Tutor.

In addition, students may view sample answers as a guide or reference for preparing their assignment answers.

Additionally, since private teachers/tutors prepare these solutions and answers, we cannot deny the possibility of errors or mistakes.

Despite taking every care in preparing these sample answers/solutions, we deeply regret any omissions or errors.

Hence, please consult your own Teacher/Tutor before you prepare a particular Answer and for up-to-date and exact information, data and solution.

Lastly, students should must read and refer the official study material provided by the university.

How to make IGNOU Solved Assignment ?

  1. Purchase IGNOU Solved Assignment: You can easily purchase any IGNOU Solved Assignment from ignousahayta.com
  2. Download the Assignment: Once you have purchased the Solved Assignment, you must download it from the website.
  3. Read the Assignment: After downloading the assignment, read it thoroughly to ensure that you understand the concepts and topics covered.
  4. Research the Topics: Once you’ve grasped the concepts and topics, you should conduct research on them and gather relevant information from credible sources.
  5. Begin Writing the Assignment: You can now begin writing the assignment. Make certain that you format the assignment in accordance with the IGNOU guidelines.
  6. Proofread the Assignment: After completing the assignment, it is critical to proofread it for errors or omissions.
  7. Turn in the Assignment: Finally, turn in the assignment to the university.

You can visit my other website : ignousahayta.com

Any queries please call And WhatsApp: 


“Students are not required to take the stress if they are not interested in writing IGNOU solved assignments. We will write and give you the completed assignments; however, you must order us ahead of time; the number is provided on the website. We will send post assignments to any students who are not native English speakers.”

Any Query please Contact On WhatsApp- 9311280949

NOTE :- Handwritten Assignment also Available

Important Deadlines and Late Submissions

For July 2023 – 2024 Session – March to april 2024 (approximately not confirmed)

For January 2024 – 2025 Session –  August to September 2024 (approximately not confirmed)

Dear Sir/Madame:

  1. Because of their 30% weightage in final marks, good quality assignments help students gain a higher percentage.
  2. Previous year assignments are also available; please call or WhatsApp 9311280949 or email ignouassignment4040@gmail.com for more information.
  3. All assignments are in PDF format and will be emailed to you shortly after payment. Paytm, Google Pay, PhonePe, 9311280949
  4. 100% refund guarantee in the event of a dispute or mismatch.

Dear Student: How to Buy IGNOU Assignments 2024-25:

  1. Following a successful order, a PDF copy of the Assignment will be sent to you via email or, in some cases, WhatsApp.
  2. Complete the checkout process by selecting a payment method, such as a credit card, a debit card, internet banking, Paytm, Google Pay, Phone Pay, or UPI@. (We are a fully secured SSL-enabled website)
  3. Choose your subject code or multiple subjects by clicking the add to cart button on each assignment page.
  4. Fill in your contact information, such as your name, address, email address, phone number, and so on. (It is required, and we respect your privacy; your data is secure with us.)


IGNOU Sahayta

Phone Number  -:  9311280949

Email -: ignouassignment4040@gmail.com

Address  -:  New Delhi – 110046

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